6 Tips on how Handling the Word "NO" From Customers

6 Tips on how Handling the Word "NO" From Customers


Rejection in sales is unavoidable, but it may be devastating for salespeople. Fear of rejection is a primary source of reluctance to make sales calls, and repeated rejection is one of the most common reasons otherwise potential salespeople leave the industry.


As a result, one of the most valuable abilities in Business-to-Business sales is the capability of converting sales objections into advantages. Sales objections allow you to zero in on your buyer's concerns and modify your communication style.


Objections simply provide you with more information about your prospect's point of view. However, understanding how to react to rejection may be difficult.


Sales managers may assist their salespeople in overcoming their fear of rejection and developing confidence in their capacity to succeed in the face of it.


Here are six strategies to teach your salesmen on dealing with rejection confidently and reaching their goals fearlessly from both meetings and emails.


1. Be courteous


Rejection is an unavoidable part of life, yet it may be difficult not to take it so seriously. If you don't get the response you're hoping for through a meeting, don't bite back, be sarcastic, or reply in an unprofessional manner.


Understand that just because they aren't on board right now doesn't indicate they won't be later. You want to preserve the chance of a future partnership open, and the first step is to be considerate in your follow-up.


Moreover, rejection is only a small step back for a bigger step up. From a rejection, you gain yourself another lesson to rethink your method and come out with less objection. The more rejections you get, the more opportunities for you to become a better salesman.


2. Refuse to exaggerate Rejection


Resiliency, a crucial soft talent for salespeople to learn, is required to bounce back from rejection.


Assist your salesmen in understanding that rejection is never a representation of their own value. If their closing rate is lower than that of other salespeople, this could indicate that there is an issue with the method they sell, but it does not imply that they are incompetent. It simply indicates that they require further training, abilities, and practice—or that the prospect's qualifications should be reconsidered.


To halt negative self-talk, recommend that your salesmen make a record of their accomplishments to motivate themselves when a spate of rejections gets them down.


As their leader, you should also make a point of congratulating each of your representatives on both major and minor victories. A little public acknowledgment or encouragement may go a long way toward encouraging your staff members to keep their shoulders up and continue.


3. Understanding the Rejection's Nature


"No" does not necessarily indicate "I will never buy" in a sales call. A "no" is sometimes only an objection or hesitation, which can be overcome in the future. Teach salespeople to view a prospect's "no" as data rather than refusal, and to respond with exploration questions based on that knowledge.


What was the prospect's response?


If the prospect already has a supplier, salespeople might inquire about how well that provider is meeting their needs. If they don't have the money right now, the representative may be able to assist them to locate it.


Even if the sale cannot go through right away, the relationship does not have to terminate permanently.


Instruct salesmen to handle rejection politely and to remain in touch thereafter. You cannot know when a client who said "no" last week would unexpectedly have the finances, time, or imminent suffering to encourage them to rejoin the dialogue, especially if they were satisfied with your rep's expertise and competence.


4. Don't act as if you haven't just been rejected


As a continuation of the first tips, on emails, you cannot just reject your prospect's decision. They said "no" for a purpose, and you must demonstrate that you understand their point of view. When responding to a rejection email, recognize their position – and let them know you respect their objection.


If a prospect writes you and says your product or service is out of their price range, you can't instantly respond with anything like:


"On request, we may provide personalized pricing. Can I set up a 20-minute meeting to go through this further?"


You need to soften that answer a little. Try something like this:


"I understand your point of view. Obviously, you can't buy a product that isn't within your budget, but I believe our solution meets your demands better than anybody else's. We genuinely provide unique pricing based on the things that your company requires the most. Do you have 15-20 minutes to talk about one of those schemes?"


5. Give additional context


A prospect may write a rejection letter because they're not thinking about the total picture or have a limited comprehension of your proposal. If this is the case, it might be beneficial to give extra context or provide a fresh piece of pertinent information that may persuade them to rethink.


Assume you're selling a business management system service to a local company and your client doesn't believe it's compatible with their company's technology stack. You may say something like this:


"I understand your situation – you definitely want solutions that can be integrated into your present tech stack. Having said that, I am aware that you use the Microsoft Office Suite and Slack. Our software truly interfaces with all of those programs, as well as others that you may already be using. Can I schedule 15 to 20 minutes to discuss how our product can match your operations and help you manage your projects more efficiently?"


6. Make it simple


Reacting to a sales refusal email is a difficult task. Right away, your client is uninterested. They're not engaged enough to carry on the discussion in the manner in which you've left it. They would not have refused your offer if they were.


As a result, they're unlikely to read a long article about how fantastic the idea they just looked away. If your response is overly extensive, overbearing, or over-the-top, the client may not read it – and your reactionary tendencies may jeopardize your capacity to sell to them in the future. Therefore, keep it simple and show them your supportive manner and be willing to help them to overcome their hesitation instead of keep on convincing them to buy your product.


Ảnh bởi: Business photo created by yanalya - www.freepik.com

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